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Getting to Go

Buy/sell news for auto retailers

Getting to Go, is a quarterly newsletter focused on the dealership mergers and acquisitions business. We aim to bring dealers, investors, vendors, consultants and others working in the buy sell business insights and information. The automotive retail business is very complex and preparing to buy or sell a dealership then completing the actual transaction requires a great deal of specialized knowledge. We hope Getting to Go can give readers a useful resource for that knowledge.

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Mike Brown was working as the fixed operations director for nucar auto group when, in August of 2024, he got a call from David Rosenberg. Rosenberg, whom Brown had worked for in the past, had an intriguing offer. Rosenberg, owner of DSR Motor Group, was working on an acquisition.

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Outside capital can be a valuable resource whether to a dealer with only a few franchises seeking to grow his or her dealership group or a larger group looking to get even bigger. But the rewards also come with risks, as two examples of outside capital show.

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While you may have seen headlines about private equity moving into the buy sell world, that can actually be something of a misnomer. It is generally more accurate to say that different forms of outside capital, of which private equity is one, are investing in automotive dealerships. Those investors differ in the amount they invest and terms under which they invest.

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Baker Automotive Group acquired a Mitsubishi franchise in Bonita Springs, Florida in June, part of the Group’s growing footprint in The Sunshine State. The brand does well in Florida, according to Brandon Baker, president of Baker Automotive Group. Getting to Go! talked with Baker to hear more about the acquisition.

Profit grow is slowing

It’s time to get out that fine-toothed comb

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For the last two or three years, few of Withum’s dealership clients looked at their expense structures, Stuart McCallum, leader of the tax advisory firm’s dealership services practice, says. Dealerships were making money hand over fist and didn’t feel the need to conserve money. Those days are gone.
